A photo of Meghan Schiedel principal consultant at Empowered Development consulting. White female with short blond hair. She is wearing a white dress with black spots and coral colored necklace. Meghan leads training, staff professional development, evaluation and other projects.

Are you struggling to retain quality staff and leaders?

Do you value data and evaluation but don’t have the expertise on your team to use these tools?

Welcome to Empowered Development Consulting. I’m on a mission to help organizations get and keep the right people in the right position so that they can achieve great outcomes. The ways I do that are by:

  • Creating and leading meaningful professional development.
  • Using data and evaluation to improve programs and services.
  • Helping you to facilitate meetings to have powerful results.
  • Collaborating with staff so that when I leave they are empowered with more skills resulting in increased organizational capacity.  

    Schedule a 15-minute call to learn how I can help your company reach your business goals!

Whether you have an established training and professional development program and you need support, or you are starting your training plan from scratch, I’m here to help.

Whether you need programmatic evaluation or other evaluation support, I can help you get the data you need to improve what you do and how you do it continuously. I can also help synthesize findings to make them clear for communicating them to your stakeholders.

If you are looking to make the most of your meeting or training time, I can help through thoughtful facilitation planning and execution.

If you don’t see what you are looking for or have questions, please reach out to me.

Why invest in employee training and development? 

We at Empowered Development Consulting believe that when you thoughtfully invest in employees, you attract and keep the best team members, and you also build a healthy work culture. Workplace culture is the environment that you create for your employees. Teams with strong work culture are unafraid of innovation, change, failure, and success. Find out more by clicking on:

I’ve worked with Meghan from Empowered Development Consulting and her passion for training and creating meaningful professional development for organizations is unmatched. If you have the opportunity to work with her, do it. She is amazing and will help you create the most successful and inclusive team!

– Lauren Landman