What It feels Like to Attend a Bad Training

We all know what it feels like to attend bad training or professional development session. If you are like me, you might even have a pretty visceral reaction, or worse, you can’t remember the training at all.  So what are some of the signs of lousy professional training?  You have no idea why you are there or what you are supposed to get out of the training.You feel resentful about being there and wish you could be anywhere else.Despite how hard you try, you can’t stay focused and keep checking your phone, thinking of the other places you would like to be, or things that you would rather do.You leave the training not knowing anyone else who was attending the training.You are never given the opportunity to share your knowledge or input with the group. The instructor-made training tool is what seems like an endless deck of PowerPoint slides, each with approximately 500 words on them.Your butt hurts from sitting in one position...
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How It All Started

The seeds for Empowered Development Consulting were planted early. After completing my graduate work at the Center for Science Education (CSE), I left with a passion for enhancing science education and learning through innovative teaching, research, and community outreach programs. CSE provided me not only my Master of Science Teaching and my classroom credentials, they taught me the power of community connections to make lasting change in our world. They were always clear that the big picture goal for all of this work was to help students and teachers raise their capacity to participate in the community as informed citizens. In other words, empower people with confidence in science not so they can become our future scientists, but so they become our future leaders and active members of our communities, making choices to improve their lives and the lives of others!   After a few years in the classroom, I had the opportunity to take my dream job at a brand new...
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