The seeds for Empowered Development Consulting were planted early. After completing my graduate work at the Center for Science Education (CSE), I left with a passion for enhancing science education and learning through innovative teaching, research, and community outreach programs. CSE provided me not only my Master of Science Teaching and my classroom credentials, they taught me the power of community connections to make lasting change in our world. They were always clear that the big picture goal for all of this work was to help students and teachers raise their capacity to participate in the community as informed citizens. In other words, empower people with confidence in science not so they can become our future scientists, but so they become our future leaders and active members of our communities, making choices to improve their lives and the lives of others!  

After a few years in the classroom, I had the opportunity to take my dream job at a brand new science center opening in my community. Over the last ten years, I have had the privilege to apply all that I learned at the Center for Science and Education to help create engaging programs serving all ages of learners in our community, from the very young to adult learners. In 2017 I had the chance to overhaul all of our onboarding and training programs. Through this process, I found my passion for supporting employees through empowered development and got to see the tangible impacts of investing in staff and volunteers in this way. Job satisfaction went up, and so did staff retention. Makes sense, right? When you are happier with your job and feel encouraged to grow and learn within the position, you will desire to stay with your organization longer. This is where my love of creating, implementing, and assessing strategies for employee learning programs all began. 

Please contact me if you are interested in exploring how investing in your learning programs and staff development can have lasting positive impacts on your organization! 

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