How Do I Create A Logic Model?

How Do I Create A Logic Model?

In my previous post, I summarized logic models. If you read that post or have heard about logic models but don’t know where to start, I’ll share some straightforward steps to create a logic model in this post. These steps have been adapted from The Compass For SBA website. The Compass is a curated collection of social and behavior change (SBC) resources.  Who should be involved? Your logic model should be co-created by team members and leadership staff. Any team member who will be overseeing the evaluation or research related to the project and any leadership staff who are closely connected to the project should participate in this effort. It is great to have senior leadership staff as part of the development team because this helps get internal buy. Everyone is then aligned on the inputs, outcomes, and plans for measuring the desired results. What timeframe do I need to create a logic model?  Logic models are ideally created at the beginning of a...
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