Fostering Workplace Generosity

Fostering Workplace Generosity

Want to foster a spirit of generosity at your organization? One way to increase productivity and employee engagement at your workplace is through generosity. The University of Michigan's Center for Positive Organizations says that 70-90% of the help given in the workplace is in response to requests for help. But how do you get team members to ask for the help they need? One way is through regular "I have, I need" exercises. In this exercise, employees take turns at the end of a meeting, sharing any resources they may have that others would benefit from (I have) and asking for any help they need. Establishing this as a regular practice in your organization can contribute to an increase in generosity.  Here is an example:  I have: "I wanted to share with the group that I recently attended a training on our point of sales program, and it was really insightful. If you want to hear more about it, I would love to grab...
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