Google Docs

Google Docs

Over the next few posts, I will share a few of my favorite tools for collaboration in a virtual environment. Helping to promote collaboration in your organization is hard enough in person. When you add the dynamics and challenges of doing it in a virtual environment, it sometimes seems nearly impossible. The good news is that you can foster collaboration within a remote team with the proper training and support.  The first tool that I want to feature is Google Docs. Many students know the power of this tool for collaboration because it is free and easy to use. An often overlooked application, Google Docs can empower a team and foster collaboration. During a video or conference call, multiple people can view and edit a Google Docs file simultaneously. With Google Docs, everyone working on a project can make changes to the same master document. The work saves almost immediately, and team members can brainstorm or work on a shared proposal...
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Inspiration Operation Explore

Inspiration Operation Explore

In 2016 The Discovery, in partnership with Click Bond Manufacturing, had the chance to work with Operation Explore. Operation Explore’s goal is to help companies reach their potential by managing change, transitions, alignment, mergers, generational succession, and culture shift. Although not classically trained in education, Operation Explore founder Jeff Boyd demonstrates his understanding of the importance of integrating thoughtful employee development during times of change and transition. My experience with them demonstrated how curating the right learning tools and processes results in organizational transformation for companies worldwide. Operation Explore’s focus is on developing culture, strategy, and structure, and at the core of this is empowering employees. Participating in some of his workshops inspired and showed me that adult training could be as impactful as the educational experiences that I was planning for the students and families at the museum.  After his workshop, I remember having a conversation with Jeff. I expressed how impressed I was with his teaching practices and inquired about his educational...
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